Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Teacher Gift Updates..

This illo. is for son #3's teacher. She teaches JK/SK, so I thought fun, silly little mice might be a fun choice to have scampering around her name block pyramid. If you look closely you can see each mouse has their own little personality-I just love the little guy on the top bustin' some moves! 

The illo for my oldest son's teacher is almost finished. I thought since he is a male grade 3 teacher, the illo needed animals that weren't girly or immature.  So, I chose the animals of the rainforest. I think they are a  good fit, because they are very intriguing, exotic and, which is very important when you in grade 3(wink) . I still have a few more animals to add but here it is so far...

I really like that I could add lots of textures in this illo...maybe I will add a lion, or something with fur or a snake or both?? I wanted these animals to be dynamic too, so all of then will be either jumping or flying...well except Mr. Iguana ...he is just vegging since they don't really do much unless they are chomping their prey (ewwwww!). Here is a close-up of my parrot. I like how he is swooping down to land.

I have this one to finish up, then one more for son#2's grade 1 teacher- that one will be a surprise I will save for another day ;)


Shirley said...

They are LUCKY teachers, I tell you!! Wonderful art pieces,! About how many hours would you say it takes to create a piece...I can only imagine many as they are so detailed!

Suzanne Del Rizzo said...

Thanks Shirley!! :)
I like to make something thoughtful for the great teachers at our local school-they are brave souls, and under-appreciated:)
Most pieces this size take any where from 15-25 hours to complete. It's been a lot of late nights lately , as I am feeling the crunch ...last day of school is fast approaching-eeek. Thanks so much for the sweet message!!

Shirley said...

You are so right, Suzanne...teachers deserve so much more than they receive...yes, brave souls! : )
Ahh...that makes sense...these pieces are gorgeous...and you manage to make them seem effortless yourself! Thank you so much for your kind words re: the watercolors. I just love what the medium does...and yes, my most favorite part is the detail work with my 00 Winsor Newton Sable brush...I'm a noodley kind of gal. : ) You take care and good luck with the end of school crunch..summer will soon be there for you all! : )

Suzanne Del Rizzo said...

I love doing the detail work too, those are my favorite bits to work on. I guess I'm a noodley girl too! Heehee ;)

Rachelle Anne Miller said...

The details on your work are amazing Suzanne... I can imagine how these pieces would take you up to 25 hours! It's so worth it though... what an amazing result!

Suzanne Del Rizzo said...

Thanks for popping over...and for the kind words. Happy tricycling with your little guy!! :)

greenbeanbaby said...

the details on each animal is AMAZING! yes the teachers must feel well-loved!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE the bird feathers too! your hard work is no doubt appreciated!!!


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